Accessibility Mapping Project


Crowdsourcing accessibility on campus

View the Project on GitHub AccessibilityMapping/AMP

Web App Guide

The web app referenced in this guide: Web App

General Interface

The following picture is a general view of the map:

General Interface

Adding entries

The best way to add entries is through the info button on the left side of the screen.

Info Button

Once you click on it you will see the following:

Info Button Clicked

Survey instructions will take you to a page containing instructions for all three surveys.

Click on the survey you are interested in.

All of the surveys have a Point section with a map at the start that looks like:

Point Survey

Here you get to choose the spot you are interested in.

The map has tools that help you locate the spot more easily.

On the left side you will see the following:

Point Survey Left Side

At the center of the screen is a blue icon, place it in the spot you are interested in. To do so drag your mouse or finger through the map to the desired spot.

Once you are done filling the survey, your entry should appear in the map.

Deleting Entries

In case you want to delete your entry:

Using the Map

The map provides very useful information, to use the query click on the following icon:

Filter Search

From here you will see a list pop up with different types of spaces or resources within a building:


By clicking on one of them you should see a blue circle appear surrounding any location in the map that contains the space or resource you specified.
